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Intermediate Composition

ENGL2089 is the Honors version of Intermediate Composition.  This course involved different readings and reflections with three main papers to showcase what we learned.  The first section involved analyzing a discourse community and the experience of a person in a particular community.  The essay involved in this section researching a particular community and interviewing a member of it about their particular experience.  The second section explored different genres, what defines a genre, and how genres evolve over time.  The final section was a literacy analysis that delved into our own experience in literacy of a particular skill or in general that made us reflect on the impact of particular events in our lives.


I learned a lot in this class.  This class challenged me to become a better writer by considering the audience that I am writing to and writing in a way that would appeal to them.  I also learned about analyzing and how complex so many things in the world are.  For instance, in the genre analysis, defining what makes a particular genre isn't simple because it involves the who is writing, what they are trying to convey, and the context surrounding the writing. To showcase what I have learned, I am showing my Genre Analysis essay, as not only did I enjoy writing this essay the most, but I also feel that it showcases what I learned about both analyzing and writing.

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