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The Art of Knitting and Crochet

For my first honors experience, I explored learning different patterns and techniques of knitting and crocheting.  The first part of the project would be expanding my knowledge of knitting techniques.  I decided that I would learn 5 new knitting patterns and make a scarf utilizing each one, making each newly learned pattern more complex than the last.  I started with a fairly simple pattern and ended with one of the more complicated techniques called cabling.  I then learned how to knit in-the-round with circular needles to knit a hat.  The second part of the project was learning how to crochet.  I learned two of the base patterns of crochet, and then a pattern that branched from one of the base ones.  It didn’t go quite as I planned, as I did the last pattern incorrectly and got a pattern that was different than what was intended.  Even though it didn’t turn out looking the way I wanted, I liked the pattern I ended up with better than what I intended to make it.  


Knitting in the round

The hardest knit pattern

By the end of the project, I gained a lot of confidence in my knitting abilities by learning so many different patterns and techniques.  Learning to crochet was a real challenge, but I enjoyed that journey as well.  It taught me that even my mistakes can turn out looking better than what I had originally planned.  I’m excited to continue my journey in knitting and crocheting to delve into more complex projects and make more mistakes. 


My first knit pattern


Doing the wrong crochet pattern


Project complete!

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